


He actively uses psychology and psychoanalysis to construct the subjects of his paintings.
Being in constant search of a new look at ordinary things, experimented with his own eyes, forcibly fixing them at non-standard angles.
He studied various mental abnormalities and disorders.
He studied non-verbal psychology and body language.
Worked as Chief officer on giant cargo ships.
Worked as an officer on the legendary scientific research vessel Nautilus, which was the first to investigate the sinking of the Titanic under the direction of Captain Ballard.
Pollution control specialist.
A specialist in maritime search and rescue.
Specalist iin life saving and fire fighting.
Repeatedly attacked and fired upon by Somali pirates.
Repeatedly witnessed human deaths on land and at sea.
Actively uses in his paintings the knowledge of spiritualism, mysticism and mythology of different peoples, obtained during twenty years of traveling around the world.
He studies the most critical emotional states.
Studied the effects of sound on the subconscious mind,
He actively uses disharmonies and dissonances of colors and forms to create nervous tension.
Investigated the distortion of space while studying the eye structure of various animals.
Using knowledge of somnology in the creation of paintings.
He is not an adherent of any doctrine and takes the position of an observer-analyst, leaving his mind open to any information.
He is a great connoisseur of aesthetics, complex forms of music, perfume art, motorcycles and retro cars.
In many of his paintings he raises uncomfortable for people acute social and psychological themes, carefully disguising them under innocent painting, immersion in which, occurs only after a long observation.



DISCRIPTION: While thinking up the plot for my new painting, built around some regular life drama, I suddenly realized that nothing shocks people as much as criticism, which can destroy any ambition and potential. Artists and people of art have perhaps a special place in this topic. Being vulnerable and overly sensitive natures, they often fall under the merciless wheels of criticism, which often has no solid foundation and weighty arguments.
This picture is intended to reveal this theme through the example of the main character (Fragment 1) - a young artist with an unstable psyche, dependent on the opinion of others, who is attacked by a group of critics and is suspended between hope and faith in a bright future and complete disappointment, melancholy and apathy. The struggle between these two states is depicted in the form of a double face, symbolizing resistance and opposition as opposed to despondency and fear of rejection. The image of death opposite the artist acts here as a harbinger of the protagonist’s demise as a creative unit (fragment 2)
In order to breathe an element of hope into this painting, I have included in it two of what I consider to be the brightest artists who have managed to overcome the wave of criticism and misunderstanding, preserving their creative face and, as a result, achieving tremendous success.
Marc Chagall and Francis Bacon ( fragment 3)
Chagall, who was subjected to a barrage of criticism in Russia and flatly refused to promote in his art, actual at that time socialist realism and suprimatism, left the country, moving to France, where his art was accepted and appreciated at face value.
Francis Bacon, on the other hand, was rejected by critics when he tried to take part in a Surrealist exhibition, but he found the strength to overcome resentment and apathy, found his signature style and became one of the most successful artists of our time.
Let this painting serve as a reminder to you that on the way to the goal, your faith in it should remain unshakable, because that is how steel hardens.

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